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My favourite summer smoothies
We’ve been enjoying some fabulous weather over the last few weeks and the warm weather can be a great time to look at your diet and fitness regime. Smoothies can be a great way to up your nutritional intake which is very important if you are undertaking more exercise than usual. They are also a great addition to a Summer detox. Here are a couple of my favourite Summer Smoothie recipes taken from Juice Tonic one of Soho’s hippest juice bars.
GOOD FOR – This is an ‘Immune-system booster and a performance enchancer.’ It will help you to avoid a summer cold and generally help keep your immune system in tip top condition.
Half a medium Beetroot
3 Medium Carrots
3 Oranges
1/2 Tsp. Acerola Cherry fruit powder
GOOD FOR – This is a great one to have after a workout on a hot day.
2 Pears
1 Large section of Pineapple
1Tsp. Chia Seeds
100ml fresh Coconut water
GOOD FOR – This smoothie helps the metabolism, balances your mood and gives you an energy boost. Perfect for busy mums at this time of year as the kids start the long summer holidays.
5 med Carrots
3 med Apples
1 inch of Ginger
1Tbsp. Lemon juice
1/2 Tsp. Maca
Not only do these recipes do you good, they taste fabulous too so enjoy!
For those of you looking to get a Yummy Tummy this summer do take a look at our Yummy Tummy Pilates programme which includes a 14 day detox to kickstart better eating habits.