Category: Yummy Tummy

  • Mums and Posture! Could your posture be causing you long term health problems?

    Are you a new Mum? Do you have back aches and pains, do you feel stiff with sore muscles and achy joints? I have been though this and I have the solution! I can help you reduce your aches and pains, improve your tummy tone, make you feel more confident, give you a stronger pelvic…

  • My favourite summer smoothies

    My favourite summer smoothies

    We’ve been enjoying some fabulous weather over the last few weeks and the warm weather can be a great time to look at your diet and fitness regime.  Smoothies can be a great way to up your nutritional intake which is very important if you are undertaking more exercise than usual.  They are also a…

  • Summer Detox – Getting the balance right

    A summer detox can be a great way to refresh your body ahead of a summer holiday or to help shift that last bit of weight if you have been following a fitness regime.  On my Yummy Tummy Programme we finish with a 14 day diet detox to help cleanse the body and reset some…

  • 3 fitness tips to lose weight and achieve a flatter happier tummy!

    3 fitness tips to lose weight and achieve a flatter happier tummy!  There is so much advice out there as to how you can lose weight and get a “bikini body” that it can be hard to know what to believe.  This blog cuts through a lot of the conflicting advice to make getting your…

  • How to check if you have a diastasis split

    Diastasis Recti/Abdominal Separation Test Are you a mum? Do you know what a diastasis / abdominal split is? It is when your tummy muscles have not joined back after having a baby and more than 1cm apart can cause you back problems and issues with trying to regain flat and strong abdominals. This does not…