



Osteopath Amy Collins at Oak Park Clinic, Farnham Therapies refers clients to Farnham Pilates because – “I know changes I make to improve patients flexibility and movement with osteopathy can be maintained by pilates, enabling the person to be in control of their own recovery and reduce the number of treatments they may need. I can rely on Hannah and her team to keep track of my patients and adapt to their exact needs whether it’s recovering from a specific injury, those that want to improve their posture or just want to feel healthier and stronger”.


Chartered Physiotherapist Jane Ireland recommends our classes to her patients as “I really like Hannah’s classes as she combines exercises to strengthen the body with spinal mobility exercises. The spine needs to move well to be pain free. Hannah and I often work together to help guide patients with specific injuries or concerns.”


“I have been attending farnham pilates for the last 5 years and have found the classes great as they have helped me focus on improving my posture and I have gained in core strength and stability. The teacher Hannah makes the classes enjoyable and she is very knowledgeable” Sally, a Physiotherapist from Farnham




“You’re such a brilliant teacher and I do admire the way you’re continually progressing and upgrading the classes to keep them interesting and on the cutting edge.”
B.H. Farnham


“After a back operation in April 2014, my surgeon suggested that I take up Pilates to speed up the recovery process and also to help prevent injuries in the future. The sessions with Hannah made a real difference to the mobility and strength of my back and were surprisingly good fun. She provided me with exercises to do between sessions which didn’t take too long and helped keep up the progress. After five sessions I started having physio and my therapist was surprised at how little extra work she needed to do which she attributed to the Pilates. I shall certainly keep up Pilates in future and the sessions I had showed me that it’s not just something that can benefit women. I would highly recommend Hannah to anybody in a similar position to me” R C Farnham


As a complete newbie to Pilates just last September I started in a new beginners class, the style and pace was perfect and I was really impressed.I now go to the Higher Beginners class and am completely hooked, I love it! Thanks very much to the great instructors and to HannahC, Farnham


After a back operation in April 2014, my surgeon suggested that I take up Pilates to speed up the recovery process and also to help prevent injuries in the future. The sessions with Hannah made a real difference to the mobility and strength of my back and were surprisingly good fun. She provided me with exercises to do between sessions which didn’t take too long and helped keep up the progress. After five sessions I started having physio and my therapist was surprised at how little extra work she needed to do which she attributed to the Pilates. I shall certainly keep up Pilates in future and the sessions I had showed me that it’s not just something that can benefit women. I would highly recommend Hannah to anybody in a similar position to me.” R Chippenham of Farnham July 2014


“After 1 year I still find the classes very relaxing and invigorating, I always leave feeling on a high!” JC rowledge


“I’ve been attended Hannah’s pilates classes when it started 8 years ago and I can’t imagine a day when I’d stop! It really helps me to keep toned and what’s more is great fun! Whether we are focusing on the traditional pilates exercises, such as the plank or bridge, or trying to roll around on balls or bands, you always feel like you’ve worked hard but enjoyed it! I’d highly recommend Hannah – she’s an excellent Pilates teacher who makes exercise for those so us not blessed with a desire to go to the gym or run marathons, really enjoyable” Kerrie Ellis, Farnham


“Everyone wants a fit and healthy body for the summer and Hannah’s latest toning classes are just what I need: enthusiasm, a helpful and sympathetic trainer and the wherewithal to start on a healthier diet.” C, a mum in Farnham


“I go to Hannah as my back and neck are out of alignment, she always notices when it’s worse and makes sure in class that I do the right mobility, stretches and stretches the right part and slow I have seen such a different in my posture, pain levels and mental well being” AP, Farnham


“Farnham pilates classes are sociable and friendly. Good instruction without being too overbearing or judgemental.” Mum,  Farnham


“Carron is enthusiastic, helpful and sympathetic and Pilates makes such a difference with my posture and core strength” AJ Farnham


I attend an improves class run by Hannah, who is a great teacher as she makes the classes fun and relaxed but gets us working hard. Each week is slightly varied by focusing on a different part of the body which keeps it interesting. I have found pilates has improved my muscle strength a great deal and my core stability is also very good!.” CS, The Bourne


Classes are always well taught and great fun”, “My Back feels amazing after Pilates so much more flexible” Peter S, Farnham


“An oasis of calm in a busy bustling lifestyle”, BP, Farnham


“I have been attending Hannah’s classes for 7 years on a regular weekly basis. The classes are always well taught with thorough explanations and demonstrations of all the pilates movements and which muscles groups are and should be used. Hannah always concerns herself for individual particular strengths or weaknesses within the class and a range of options within each exercise to suit everyone. The classes are well thought out with different areas focused on each week.” HT, Farnham


“Hannah relates well and naturally to people and her enthusiasm for and her knowledge of her subject is evident.  Farnham Pilates classes are always both challenging and fun and the physical benefits are great”


“I do enjoy the pilates classes it is the only formal exercise I do in the week – I look forward to it as the stretching and muscle control is good for me and Hannah gives me a few exercises to do daily”


“Thank you for another term of fantastic classes, I really enjoy them, and I feel I am gaining a lot and slowly improving” VM, Farnham


“I really enjoy farnham pilates as there is clear instructions and constant repetitions and reminders to help do the exercises properly; stretching and toning up the body pushing it a bit further”


“I now am more aware of keeping my body in the right position, using core muscles. My back is less stiff – particularly after long walks, I am more supple and flexible generally, and excited I can put socks on standing on one leg” BH, Farnham


“Hannah is very helpful in tailoring the exercises to individual needs ie during and after pregnancy”


“I have been doing farnham pilates classes for 2 years and I am fitter and now have no back pain” CD, Farnham


“I feel more supple and more confident – my frozen shoulder and my posture has improved after Pilates” Dr. Genny, Farnham


“Clear and easy to follow instructions. The class focuses on core strength which helps your whole body with friendly approachable teachers”


“Friendly relaxed environment. Very interesting discovering connection with inner core and muscles which stimulate good posture and enhance well being” BP, Farnham


“The classes help me relax and tone up my body. Also it’s nearby. Hannah is very good at checking our movements” JT Bourne Farnham


“Men can do Pilates. I have been doing Pilates with Hannah for two years and have gone from someone who’s hip was so painful I could hardly walk to now leading a very active life. Pilates uses exercise to focus on stretching and strengthening all the body. It improves posture, flexibility, muscle strength and balance. You can work at different levels in the same class so it can be done by anyone irrespective of age, sex or ability. Hannah has a skill that in a class makes you feel an individual as well as part of the group.  So gentlemen give Farnham Pilates a try.” Joseph Pilates said “A man is as young as his spinal column “