Take a moment out and just breathe

Life balance for mums

When I’m not so busy, then I’ll take some time out to …”

We’ve all been there. So busy with the daily bustle of our busy lives that we don’t have time to even take a minute to breathe.

Kids. Family. Work. Home. Schedules. Pets. Health. STUFF.

We promise ourselves that once everything is done we’ll treat ourselves, or give our lifestyles an overhaul.

But time gets squeezed or something unexpected and urgent crops up that only we can deal with.  Or you are so busy that when you sit to relax or watch TV or check Facebook, you are too tired to move and time is wasted and suddenly our time is squeezed even more.

Or perhaps it’s a little deeper than scheduling. Maybe we already recognise that we prioritise the stuff because we don’t really believe that we’re worth the time out and attention. We love our kids, our families, our lifestyles so we have to make compromises or sacrifices. It’s a small price to pay. Isn’t it?

Well newsflash lady! It will never all be done! You will never not be busy! There will always be unexpected visitors, meetings or family management crises (AKA children,work or husbands).

And … (now we get to the really deep stuff) the world and its time are never going to slow down to accommodate your busyness. Oh how we wish that sometimes it would. Kids will grow and need you less. You will age (nooooo….) and oh how you will long for your health and your sanity.

Meditation does not mean a daily visit to bluebell meadows with chanting. Mindfulness does not mean giving up life’s pleasures to worship Buddha in thongs. And gratefulness isn’t something you only do at harvest festival or thanksgiving.

We get reminders in life. Funerals. Accidents. Health scares. Global tragedies. They remind us of our need to slow down and give thanks for our blessings.

Mindfulness is important as its awareness of what you are doing while you are doing it, enjoy the moment and don’t let thoughts and emotions hijack you – focus on one moment release the worries, concerns and regrets. As mothers we have so much guilt. Release thoughts – no guilt no judgement.

Is there a way we can fit the time in to do this ? Get that 5 minute break from life and business?

I believe we can but not always through the obvious ‘scheduling’ of time out. It’s in the small, everyday ways, just as you would do your everyday tasks. I need some time on my own and then I’m a better mum, wife and daughter!

Mindfulness is stopping to appreciate baby giggles or a hug from your child. Kissing your husband in front of the kids. Appreciating the seasons by jumping in puddles, building snowmen or picking strawberries. Making a (sugar free) cake to give to a friend. Sharing a cup of tea. Arriving five minutes before school pickup time and just breathing. Walking the dog in all weathers. Finding a class which suits you and agreeing with your family that at this time, every week, you will be OUT and remember it’s your time.

In my classes we don’t meditate but but we take time to listen to our bodies. Relaxation and mindfulness is part of the experience. Being kind to our bodies and self awareness or releasing pain, aches empowering you to make any changes – live your life with more balance without excuses or schedules. Being present and grateful for movement.

Please don’t wait until you aren’t busy. You are busy because you love life. Take a step back and you will appreciate your blessings so much more without any perceptible change to your busy schedule.

Because after all, do something just for you, you are absolutely worth it.

 #timeout #take5mins #pilateslifebalance #pilatesbalancebreathe #metime #withfarnhampilates

Get Involved

If you would like to get more involved with our #metime project at Farnham Pilates then you can tell us more about how you achieve some me time.  Just upload a short video to youtube telling us what you do for metime and we will share it on our playlist and social media.  You can see some already here – YouTube Playlist