Category: Me time

  • Strong Saturday – Farnham Pilates Blog

    Strong Saturday – Farnham Pilates Blog

    Easy ways to stay healthy at home It’s easy at times like these to slip into bad habits, so here is a reminder about some simple things you can do to ensure you stay healthy – and happy – at home. Make the most of the first 10 minutes of the day and set the tone…

  • How are you doing?

    How are you doing?

    How are you? These are strange times and I just wanted to check in to see how you are doing? With so much uncertainty, I hope that you are able to spend some time looking after yourself and taking time to stay healthy. I know that many people have turned to their kitchen for comfort…

  • 10 ways to reduce stress over Christmas

    10 ways to reduce stress over Christmas

    We’ve reached December! Festive greetings to you all at this wonderful, though at times stressful, season of goodwill. I’m struggling this week, there is so much to do and we place such high expectations on ourselves. I would like this Christmas to be about spending quality time together with family and friends, and not about…

  • Exercise at Christmas

    Christmas can be a fantastic and exciting time but also full of stresses. Many mums that do regular exercise find it hard as the classes and bootcamps tend to stop the same week as the kids break up from school. There are things you can do at home but it is hard to keep motivated…

  • Mindfulness for Mums at Christmas

    Xmas time can be stressful for mums with so many demands from work, household, family, kids plays, concerts, costume organising, parties – shall I go on? The main thing that gets missed off is you and your exercise. It is important to schedule time out for you to do exercise, eat healthily and spend the…

  • Why you need a spa break!

    Do you know how important it is to take time out for yourself to help you relax, switch off and come back to daily routine feeling a new person. Do you have time to stop and think about YOU?? Why you need time out! Every May and October we organise a Spa retreat at Champneys…

  • National Work Life week – how’s your balance?

    It is National Work-Life Week starting on Monday 21st September with the aim of highlighting the importance of maintaining a healthy work/life balance. Having a lifestyle mix of work, family and health is an important challenge many of us face today with studies showing that those working 55 hours a week or more have a…

  • Is your life balance not weighing up? Life balance for busy women

    #Life balance by Hannah Epps Why do we need to worry about doing something for ourselves or something for us? Because as busy mums, sometimes we are so busy doing things for others, caring and organising and just being so busy we don’t get time to clean our teeth or do exercise or cook a…

  • When I realised I needed more #metime

    When I realised I needed more #metime – by Hannah Epps We are all so busy in our lives that we can be too busy to see the damage this is doing. Last week I mentioned to friends that I needed more me time as I was feeling overwhelmed with work, teaching and all the…