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Exercise and teenagers – how parents can help
Last week I had the great honour of teaching a group of Farnham Girl Guides a 90 minute Pilates session. It was quite a nerve wracking experience getting up in front of teenage and pre teen girls, but I am never one to shy away from a challenge. I also believe passionately that getting girls…
5 steps for busy mums to feel, good, fit and healthy
At the start of any New Year there is so much pressure on us to make sweeping changes, lose weight, eat more healthily, do more exercise. Whilst all this is great and having goals is a great thing to motivate us, if you are busy Mum so much pressure and big targets to achieve…
Secrets of a Pilates Instructor – My top 6 Pilates exercises to keep me moving
At this time of year finding time to exercise can be hard and with our regular classes closed for the holidays, it can be easy to just not bother. But just doing 10 mins exercise each day can really make a difference, keep your fitness levels up, and make you feel better overall during a time…
Exercise at Christmas
Christmas can be a fantastic and exciting time but also full of stresses. Many mums that do regular exercise find it hard as the classes and bootcamps tend to stop the same week as the kids break up from school. There are things you can do at home but it is hard to keep motivated…
Mindfulness for Mums at Christmas
Xmas time can be stressful for mums with so many demands from work, household, family, kids plays, concerts, costume organising, parties – shall I go on? The main thing that gets missed off is you and your exercise. It is important to schedule time out for you to do exercise, eat healthily and spend the…
I’m a Pilates teacher! I cant have hurt my back!
I have corrected, advised and helped over 2000 clients over 10 years with back pain but I have to admit it – I have had low back pain (LBP) and severe pain twice where I can’t actually move. This happened on Sept 2014 and Sept 2015 (can you see a pattern forming – having the…
Is parenting making your back ache?
The school run, breastfeeding, birth, even cuddles can contribute to chronic back ache but it doesn’t have to be something you put up with. When you think about it, it isn’t surprising that the many tasks you juggle daily in addition to the effects of pregnancy and birth on your body can lead to constant back…
Are you scared of exercise? We can help!
With Halloween just round the corner again I want to use this scary time of year to motivate people to face some of the biggest fears they have about working out. Gym-phobia is a stumbling block for a lot of people who want to start exercising more regularly but feel really anxious about working…
Back care for Mums
Back care for busy mums With Back Care Awareness Week this week, the main focus was to get Britain thinking about their posture, moving more and standing while working, I thought we should also focus on busy mums working from home. So are you a busy mum, rushing about and you only realise at…
Why you need a spa break!
Do you know how important it is to take time out for yourself to help you relax, switch off and come back to daily routine feeling a new person. Do you have time to stop and think about YOU?? Why you need time out! Every May and October we organise a Spa retreat at Champneys…