Category: Farnham

  • Strong Saturday – Farnham Pilates Blog

    Strong Saturday – Farnham Pilates Blog

    Easy ways to stay healthy at home It’s easy at times like these to slip into bad habits, so here is a reminder about some simple things you can do to ensure you stay healthy – and happy – at home. Make the most of the first 10 minutes of the day and set the tone…

  • How are you doing?

    How are you doing?

    How are you? These are strange times and I just wanted to check in to see how you are doing? With so much uncertainty, I hope that you are able to spend some time looking after yourself and taking time to stay healthy. I know that many people have turned to their kitchen for comfort…

  • Farnham Pilates weekly blog – get ski-fit!

    Farnham Pilates weekly blog – get ski-fit!

    Get Ski fit  – Pilates Exercises to get ready for Skiing  [Week 1] Pain and injury-free skiing for all the family with Pilates Five-minute read I am a keen skier so I appreciate that getting your body ready for your ski trip really can help you avoid injury, get stronger so you can do more runs…

  • Farnham Pilates Weekly Blog – how to fit Pilates into your busy life – try Pilates at home

    Farnham Pilates Weekly Blog – how to fit Pilates into your busy life – try Pilates at home

    Last week we discussed making more of your time, ensuring that your every moment spent exercising counts. This week I want to make sure that you can fit Pilates into your busy life. Classes are great (come and see me for a class here!). As well as the exercise, classes bring community, support, expertise and…

  • Farnham Pilates Weekly Blog – Fitness in February

    Farnham Pilates Weekly Blog – Fitness in February

    Hello and welcome to February! This is a short month (even on a leap year) and this has got us thinking about the time it takes to get fit. In the old days, getting fit was all about how much time you put in. An hour of swimming laps in the swimming pool, 45 minutes…

  • Why do Pilates?

    Why do Pilates?

    This week we are looking at why people choose to do Pilates classes. “Pilates develops the body uniformly, corrects wrong postures, restores physical vitality, invigorates the mind and elevates the spirit” Joseph Pilates Are you busy running around with back pain or aches but trying to ignore them? Are you trying to do your best…

  • Creating Healthy Habits – how to keep up the momentum

    Creating Healthy Habits – how to keep up the momentum

    So – it’s the third week of January.  How are all your new year’s resolutions going?  Chances are, some of them have already slipped.  If you put too much pressure on yourself, you set yourself up to fail.  Short term gains do not create a healthy lifestyle, so it is important to see how incorporating…

  • This week’s recipe – a healthy Christmas cake

    This week’s recipe – a healthy Christmas cake

    Healthy Christmas Fruit Cake A healthy Christmas fruit cake recipe that’s gluten free, dairy free and grain free using almond flour and coconut flour. Easy to make! Prep Time: 40 minutes Cook Time: 1 hour Total Time: 1 hour 40 minutes   Ingredients 500 grams mixed dried fruits          75 grams walnuts 1 orange 125 grams almond flour/meal  67 grams coconut flour  1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda 2 tsp salt 3 tsp mixed spice  1…

  • 10 ways to reduce stress over Christmas

    10 ways to reduce stress over Christmas

    We’ve reached December! Festive greetings to you all at this wonderful, though at times stressful, season of goodwill. I’m struggling this week, there is so much to do and we place such high expectations on ourselves. I would like this Christmas to be about spending quality time together with family and friends, and not about…

  • Pilates exercises for improved bone density

    Pilates exercises for improved bone density

    Today’s is the last blog in our series on bone health. This week, we look at exercises that can improve your bone density. These assume you have healthy bones. If this is not the case, contact me and I can write a special programme for you. For feet and legs Standing tap foot Stand tall and…