Take a moment out and just breathe

“When I’m not so busy, then I’ll take some time out to …” We’ve all been there. So busy with the daily bustle of our busy lives that we don’t have time to even take a minute to breathe. Kids. Family. Work. Home. Schedules. Pets. Health. STUFF. We promise...

Summer Detox – Getting the balance right

A summer detox can be a great way to refresh your body ahead of a summer holiday or to help shift that last bit of weight if you have been following a fitness regime.  On my Yummy Tummy Programme we finish with a 14 day diet detox to help cleanse the body and reset...

Hot Tips For Summer Fitness

Hot Tips For Summer Fitness and Body and Life balance Summer time has well and truly arrived in Farnham and with the rising temperatures comes a rise in warnings about how to stay safe in the sun especially during a workout and relaxing. My name is Hannah Epps and I...