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Just keep moving!
Just keep moving – back stretches to practise daily to keep you strong
Secrets of a Pilates Instructor – My top 6 Pilates exercises to keep me moving
At this time of year finding time to exercise can be hard and with our regular classes closed for the holidays, it can be easy to just not bother. But just doing 10 mins exercise each day can really make a difference, keep your fitness levels up, and make you feel better overall during a time…
Exercise at Christmas
Christmas can be a fantastic and exciting time but also full of stresses. Many mums that do regular exercise find it hard as the classes and bootcamps tend to stop the same week as the kids break up from school. There are things you can do at home but it is hard to keep motivated…
Can Christmas give you back pain?
There are many activities you may have to do around the Christmas season that can cause common problems and injuries. As back pain affects 80% of us at some point, here is some advice about what to do to prevent problems – The first line of treatment has traditionally been paracetamol, but new research has…
I’m a Pilates teacher! I cant have hurt my back!
I have corrected, advised and helped over 2000 clients over 10 years with back pain but I have to admit it – I have had low back pain (LBP) and severe pain twice where I can’t actually move. This happened on Sept 2014 and Sept 2015 (can you see a pattern forming – having the…
Back Care Awareness Week 2015
This week is back care awareness week 2015. I will be looking and asking you to participate in back care awareness to raise awareness of the problems back pain can cause as well as prevention and treatments. A main message from the organiser BackCare is to stand and not sit at work. Charity “” encourage…